Hasil Tes Seleksi PPDB Gelombang 2 Tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024

Hasil Tes Seleksi PPDB Gelombang 2

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh, Bismillahirrahmanirrahiim, Pada hari Sabtu, 1 April…


Continually target emerging initiatives whereas business total linkage.


Continually target emerging initiatives whereas business total linkage.


Continually target emerging initiatives whereas business total linkage.

Group Study

Continually target emerging initiatives whereas business total linkage.

Student Testimonials

Rapidiously enhance standardized information through virtual benefits. Dynamically reintermediate low-risk high-yield partnerships via intermandated collaboration and idea-sharing. Efficiently parallel task maintainable portals.

Austin Holmes


Rapidiously enhance standardized information through virtual benefits. Dynamically reintermediate low-risk high-yield partnerships via intermandated collaboration and idea-sharing. Efficiently parallel task maintainable portals.

Austin Holmes


Rapidiously enhance standardized information through virtual benefits. Dynamically reintermediate low-risk high-yield partnerships via intermandated collaboration and idea-sharing. Efficiently parallel task maintainable portals.

Austin Holmes

Web Developer